Friday, August 20, 2010

Busy Hands

.While working for my Mom yesterday she showed me this video. This out look on life and the need to get back to the root of the way things are done really resonated with me. I thought about it yesterday while picking out figs for a tart (only to realize that neither my Mom or Dad had eaten a fresh fig before). I thought about it while googling how to kool aid dye wool this morning.

I have been thinking about blogging for several months and now have my purpose for this blog. It is to share with others how to make wholesome food in the simplest way, how to express your individual craftiness, and how to do the little things around the home to keep it clean enough that you are getting positive energy from your surroundings. I want to help inspire y'all how to do one thing today that made your heart pitter patter with joy and excitement.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Rustic Food

I found Season One of "No Reservations" on Netflix instant play. Much to my enjoyment I found that episode one is where Tony goes to Paris, an episode that we watched in culinary school that was truly magical. I got to pondering while watching what made that particular episode magical to me and I realized it was because Tony wasn't eating fancy French food. In fact he was eating at the sort of restaurants that are very rustic and feels like home. So much of culinary school is making things look just right, placement on the plate and such, instead shouldn't it be fresh ingredients with lots of color?
Here is my challenge to myself, to try every recipe in the "French Women Don't Get Fat" cookbook. I also enjoy that the food is healthy, but rustic, and so flavorful that I only need a small (okay, okay normal by the French definition) sized portion to be satisfied. That is the point of the book isn't it? :-D So far, I have loved every recipe that I have tried!
I have started my Christmas knitting. Last year I knitted a scarf for both of my mothers-in-law. This year I am knitting for my family. I can't share yet what I am doing, but Dad's is done, Tim's Birthday is in the final stages, and Mom's is well under way. :-D